During this challenging period when it is advisable to wash our hands regularly to avoid infection, should we also wash our face?

Many of us touch our faces several times a day without even realizing how often we are doing it, so you may have started cleaning your face more often too.  But be careful and ensure that you are not using soap bars or body gels on your face! 

These soap bars or body gels are very aggressive for the delicate skin of the face and will cause eye redness, dry out facial skin and cause irritation. If your skin feels tight and uncomfortable after cleaning, it is likely that your cleansers are too aggressive. Use gentle natural facial cleansers and follow the right steps.


Simple instructions to cleanse your face properly:

  1. Wash your hands before cleaning your face. Your hands must be clean and free from infection.

  2. Wet your face and apply a small amount of cleanser.   With your fingertips, massage in a circular fashion. Lather and make sure you cover the entire surface of your face. This also includes the eye area - a sensitive area for infections.  (At Nordora we have two natural cleaners that are foaming soap : Gentle Cleansing Gel for Normal to Combination/Oily skin and Micellar Water for Normal, sensitive and dry skin.   Both are gentle on the eyes).

  3. Massage and lather your face for a good 20 seconds!

  4. Rinse with water using your hands.

  5. Dry your face gently – Using the towel, pat your face dry instead of wiping it dry.

  6. After cleaning the skin, it is best not to leave it unprotected. You can apply a cream or if you prefer a lighter option, use a tonic water formulated to remain on the skin.  (The Nordora Purifying Tonic is White Birch and Aloe juice based. The Aloe hydrates and calms the skin, while the White Birch extract applies its purifying action throughout the day.  Spray and let dry).

  7. Once a week, it is advisable to perform a deep cleansing with an exfoliant. In the shower, wet your face. Take some exfoliating facial gel and massage deeply. This will remove dead skin cells and dirt. Beware of  exfoliants with large exfoliating particles as these will damage the delicate facial skin. (The Exfoliating Gel from Nordora uses round and gentle Black Spruce particles with the purifying effect of the White Birch).

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